A while back, I posted a tweet about my blog being active for what was, at that time, almost ten years. I joked about wiping it all and starting fresh.
Coming up on the 10-year anniversary of my blog. I am seriously considering wiping it all and starting fresh. Maybe find something else to blog about than programming... pic.twitter.com/Ue9ZUCR6PV
— Jerrie Pelser (@jerriepelser) February 2, 2023
At the time, I was not serious about it. But, once I uttered it, it started taking hold at the back of my mind. The blog - primarily focused on programming - has served its purpose.
The last blog post was almost two years old, and I seldom blogged in the two years preceding that blog post. Given that technology moves so fast, much of the content was also outdated as well.
So, about a week after that posting that tweet, I pulled the trigger and deleted that blog.
Then, it sat for a while with a simple one-line message that said, “Speak, friend, and enter”.
I don't know why I chose that particular line. It was a line I liked from Lord of the Rings, and perhaps, I secretly hoped that people would be frantically typing "Mellon", wishing for a magic door would open.
There was no magic door.
After a little more time to mull this over, I decided to use this space as a diary of sorts. You see, I am building a new startup called Cloudpress. I spent the past year coding away on the sideline and started accepting customers and charging them at the end of 2022.
I have a few paying customers, but it is slow going. I realise it is time to step out of my comfort zone and start marketing and selling this thing.
I have much to learn about marketing, selling and building a starup, as it is all new to me.
Along the way, I will blog here about my journey, my learnings, my struggles, and, hopefully, a few wins.
As mentioned above, this is a diary for me. It is, first and foremost, a tool for me to help me in my thinking. Also to serve as a record of where I’ve been that I can, hopefully, one day look back on and smile.
As such, there are no comments. There is no analytics to track users. It is me and my thoughts.
If you find my diary entries interesting and it helps you, great. If you want to chat, you can find me on Twitter.